How to Optimize Articles for Mobile?
Articles are text-based work, with a specific and defined structure and
purpose. They can be different lengths and the most common article is usually
between 600-1000 words.
The article usually has a lead paragraph, which is the introduction to the article. This
explains what the story will be about and also sets up any expectations readers may have as
to what they will find as they read on. It then goes on to say why this topic is relevant to them or why they should care about it at all. The lead paragraph often sets up who the author is – their qualifications, their credentials, their expertise in this field etc.
Articles are short texts usually in the form of a news article, essay, blog post, or article. They are published in periodicals and other media. Articles are used for various purposes including entertainment, education, journalism, or research.
The tone of an article is the emotional quality that it conveys to its readers. It can cover a range of emotions from silly to serious, however it is most often written with a neutral tone. Articles are typically written in the third person point of view unless they are about an author’s personal opinion.